我们的吉祥物 -- 胡杨树 健富乐国际贯彻和提倡“胡杨”精神,以胡杨精神为公司的企业文化。胡杨,深植于沙下20米的黑暗中寻找泥土,以为自己的“不到之躯”打下坚实的基础。胡杨树能够”生而不死一千年、死而不倒一千年、倒而不朽一千年”。为了生存,胡杨树长出不同的叶子,大叶子为了吸收阳光、小叶子为了减少水分的散失,叶片上有蜡质,能够锁住每一粒水滴。
Our Mascot -- Populus Tree Populus tree are the embodiment of the philosophy of MM Network's corporate culture. The Populus characteristics serve as a role model that defines the values and ethics of the organisation. Populus is a plant that grows in the desert. The vitality of Populus euphratica is very strong. It is said that it can grow for a thousand years without dying. It will not fall for a thousand years after death, and it will not decay for a thousand years.
We are more than just a business. We strongly believe that every individual has the opportunity to attain a better quality of life and health through MM Network.
健富乐国际拥有独特的5P核心价值 —— 卓越领导、经营理念、优质产品、系统教育和市场计划,这便是健富乐国际的核心所在。
MM Network holds a unique Principle Value; its foundation is built on the strengths of 5Ps - People, Philosophy, Product, Program and Plan.